About Us
Seeking to give expression to Swami Vivekananda ideal of Man-making education, the Ramakrishna Vidyarthi Mandiram was started in 1943. It is a modern students home in the setting of an ancient Brahmacharya Ashrama. The aim of the Mandiram is to supplement the academic education of the university, by imparting a training conducive to an all round growth of the students. The objective is to provide a suitable Home for deserving boys outside Bangalore and desiring to profit by the care and guidance of the Mandiram.
History of SRVM:
It was the year 1943. During the difficult times of the Second World War there loomed global fear and frustration. In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, Swami Tyagishanandaji, the then President of Ramakrishna Ashrama Bangalore, keenly felt the need to impart noble values of religion to youths who were the future hope of the country. Being aware of the hardships of boys outside of Bangalore, Swami Tyagishanandaji was eager to provide a wholesome environment to some of the boys.
Keeping in mind the difficult global situation and adversities of youths, Swami Tyagishanandaji decided to start a hostel for boys. Initially, the hostel was a small room adjacent to Ramakrishna Ashrama cow shed housing six students. During the early phase of the hostel, Swami Tyagishanandaji himself used to cook for the students for a number of weeks. Swami Tyagishanandaji was instrumental to overcome initial difficulties and give a strong foundation to the hostel
In 1944, on the occasion of the birthday of Swami Vivekananda, a few devotees of the Ramakrishna Ashrama and some philanthropists offered generous donations to the hostel. A devotee, Dr. B Narayana Rao, generously lent his private dwelling in Bull Temple Road to the students between 1944 to 1955, free of rent.
In 1947, two small houses in the same compound were donated to Ramakrishna Ashrama. Such donations enabled the hostel in charge to increase student admissions from six to thirty-five. Of the thirty-five students, eight students were housed in the Ramakrishna Ashrama premises, the first floor of the Vivekananda Balaka Sangha Hall which was earlier called Ramakrishna Centenary Memorial.
The three buildings in the original site now operating as a hostel were designed for families and thus unsuitable to serve the purpose of a student hostel. The rooms were poorly furnished and lacked facilities like hot/cold water for bathing and water had to be drawn from a well.
The Shrine and Prayer Hall were two adjacent rooms, where daily prayers were conducted. Special prayers were on Wednesday and Swami Tyagishanandaji himself used to conduct religious classes for the boys on Saturday.
In 1951, Swami Tyagishanandaji passed away and Swami Yatiswaranandaji succeeded him as the President of Ramakrishna Ashrama in 1952. Incidentally, Dr. B. Narayan Rao expressed his desire to settle in Bangalore permanently after his retirement from government service. The hostel had to relocate to a rented building in Gandhi Bazaar and a permanent building serving as a hostel became an urgent necessity.
The foremost task of Swami Yatiswaranandaji was to collect funds and raise a permanent hostel for the boys. It was proposed to construct a building at the cost of Rs.2.5 lakhs and eventually accommodate one hundred boys. The building would be constructed on a plot of land belonging to Ramakrishna Ashrama. A portion of the land would be converted into sports-cum-indoor games pavilion at a cost of Rs. 50,000. The plan would be completed in two stages, the ground floor, accommodating fifty students, estimated to cost Rs.1.56 lakhs, completed during 1955-56. The first floor would be taken up next year.
Funds came pouring in from the public. Mysore University was interested in the project, contributing a generous amount of Rs. 72,000. Mysore Government waived conversion charges on 3.5 acres of the plot. The construction work started in April 1954. The task of collecting a huge fund was onerous but it became possible through divine help. The public was eager to contribute too.
Despite difficulties, the first phase was completed and the hostel moved to its new premises on 3rd January 1956.
During that period, the ground floor was partly completed and lacked a prayer hall, a playground, and a well-equipped library. Through a divine will, the lacking facilities were fulfilled in the next two years.
The current spacious hostel is a two-storeyed building of fine proportions consisting of thirty-five rooms. The hostel also has store rooms, a prayer hall, a reading room, and an indoor games-cum-auditorium. The hostel accommodates around ninety-five students. Necessary furniture like tables, chairs, and cots have been provided.
Sri Ramakrishna Vidyarthi Mandiram, which started with the objective of inculcating the principles of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, has been striving vigorously to keep the lamp of knowledge burning in the hearts of thousands of students. The students of this hostel proceed as role models and representatives of the worthy institution.
Distinguishing features of SRVM:
The institution stands firm on its unbiased pillar by sticking to non-communal and non-political principles. The wholesome facilities provided by the institution are fundamentally for building the character and spiritual values of its inmates. The inmates are under the guidance of a Swami of the Ramakrishna Order. Special emphasis is provided to physical fitness through games and other activities. Students are encouraged to develop their individual talents and monetary support is extended to poor but deserving students.